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Friday, 21 June 2013

Tips for Healthy Living

Ideally, we all want to live long, happy lives. You only need to spend a few minutes browsing magazine covers or watching television commercials to realize that health is a big business that has captured our attention. Ultimately, we all want to be fit and active; so it's fortunate that just a few minor changes in your lifestyle can get you on the road to healthy living. The tips presented in this article will help you increase your fitness so you can get more enjoyment from life.

The Basics

Generally speaking, a healthy person doesn't smoke, maintains a healthy weight, eats well, and exercises regularly. In principle, this all seems very easy, but in practice many North Americans today struggle to find the balance between a healthy life and their hectic schedules. Still, healthy living is attainable through small, gradual changes. Swapping sugary snacks for natural fruits, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or drinking water instead of juice are just a few examples of easy changes you can make to start living healthy.


As technology has advanced, the activity level of humans has declined significantly. Whereas we once farmed our own foods, we now drive to the supermarket to buy pre-cooked, processed meals. Instead of walking to school, children take the bus. And rather than enjoying outdoor family activities, we sit stationary around a television. But the benefits of regular exercise are wide ranging:

Reduced risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

  • Improved joint health.
  • Improved flexibility.
  • Enhanced self esteem.
  • Reduced stress levels.

These are just a few of the benefits of an active lifestyle, but how can you easily introduce more activity into your life?

  • Turn off the TV and go for a walk.
  • Walk to work or school.
  • Clean the house.
  • Walk while you talk.
  • Stretch at your desk.
  • Join a sports team.


When we talk about diet, we should not think about "going on a diet." Instead, healthy living and healthy eating need to be a lifestyle choice. You can still enjoy a treat from time-to-time, but your goal should be to introduce healthy, natural foods to replace unhealthy alternatives.

  • Eat fruit for breakfast.
  • Add vegetables to your favourite dishes such as pizza or pastas.
  • Avoid processed, pre-made meals by cooking extra portions and freezing them.
  • Substitute water for juice.
  • Avoid sugar-filled sodas and snacks.

Changing the way you eat can be a challenge, so experts often recommend you keep a food diary. Sometimes, evaluating the foods you eat on a daily basis can be all the motivation you need to make a change. But remember, you don't need to eliminate all the foods you love from your diet; instead, choose healthier options or limit how much junk you consume.

Green Tea and Menopause

herb for Menopause

The benefits of drinking green tea are well documented in Asia, North America, and Europe. Here in Japan the tea of choice is Gokurotea, which is regarded as the highest standard of tea you can buy in Japan. Tea comes in a variety of different forms and grades, each with its own benefits. Most Japanese teas have antioxidant properties that not only fight against aging, but also cancer. Studies have shown that regular consumption of tea can reduce chances of breast cancer in women in high risk groups.

The Japanese have been drinking tea for centuries and as a result have been enjoying some of the longest life expectancies in the world. Now, when it comes to menopause green tea is one of the best options available. Tea reduces hot flashes and it increases your energy so that you feel less fatigue. Green tea also alleviates many of the other discomforts associated with menopause and aging, such as stress and disorientation.

When brewing green tea you should be very careful about the temperature of the teapot and cup. The cup and teapot need to be at the same temperature. Remember, one pouring per steeping. Never just let water remain and become cold. How Gyokuro is brewed is quite different from other sencha. The greatest appellation attached to this tea is called Yame, a small town in Fukuoka, Japan where more than 40% of Gyokuro is produced.

Hot Flash Reduction
Hot flashes, those nasty head-to-toe explosions of heat, are well known by menopausal women. A common sign of menopause, hot flashes are spontaneous and triggers are individual. Although studies are conflicting, a 2003 Singapore study demonstrated that green tea reduced the occurrence of hot flashes by 47 percent. If hot flashes persist despite that cup of green tea, try letting it cool. The warns that hot beverages may incite a hot flash.

Energy Boost
During menopause, women can suffer difficulty with organizing their thoughts and lethargy. Green tea is a natural source of caffeine, which may contribute a boost of energy during menopause. The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine suggests that the caffeine content in tea and green tea extracts may be responsible for the mental alertness found in tea drinkers. However, if sleep irregularity or onset difficulties occur, cut back on the evening cup of tea.

Breast Protection
Early results from a January 2010 study published in the Annals of Epidemiology by Qi Dai, Xiao-Ou Shu and colleagues suggest that women who drink green tea regularly may delay the onset of breast cancer. The theory suggests that the antioxidants and polyphenols in green tea may suppress hormones, such as estrogen, that are linked to an increase in breast cancers. Similar results were demonstrated in a 2005 Singapore study by Anna H. Wu, Kazuko Arakawa and colleagues linking decreased instances of breast cancer in green tea drinkers published in the May 2005 issue of "Carcinogenesis." Further studies are needed to strengthen this correlation.

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